Sabrina’s new EP “The Negative” has been just released by Jaringan Records.
Here you can listen to her album and make your collaboration:
Nepantla: Hey! How are you? Thank you for letting me do this second interview!
Sabrina: Hi, thanks for noticing the release. It was a blast to create.
N: Your new work has just been released, so would you say that the EP has a specific theme?
S: This album doesn’t have a specific theme. All of the tracks are an exploration, experiments that I have been doing during these last months.
N: I really like your approach to rhythms in “The Negative”. Rhythms play a central role in the ep. How did you come to work with rhythms?
S: They are experiments that take inspiration from sacred practices of indigenous cultures and how they used music in them.
N: Do you sample real sounds?
S: Yes and no. I have done some field recordings of void spaces and layer them in the tracks. Other sounds came from the devices that I’m using which have fixed but mangle-able sounds.
N: There is something very pristine, very clear in the sounds. On the other side, there is a general darkness present in all the tracks. Do you want to transmit a particular feeling?
S: The acceptance of negative energy into a chemical wash of positivity.
N: How do you imagine people hearing your music? Do you think of it more as background music, or music to listen to while you are walking…? What would be the best situation to hear it?
S: I imagine people having earworms with the rhythms ringing in their brains. Whenever possible as the soundtrack of your life. haha
N: And by the way, why “the Negative”?
S: I wanted to play with the duality of thoughts. Like in film and photography, the negative is what is stored inside the camera and should not be exposed until it’s time to process it into a beautiful picture.
N: Something else you want to share?
S: To go in depth with the devices that you have in your hand. Some barriers are actually just a hurdle.
N: I like that, that sounds very object-oriented! Thank you, Sabrina!