The creation of Dtundtuncan and the Cenzontle

The goddess Ixmukané took two pieces of dough and threw them into the fire, as she wished to create two birds. She warned them that if they really wanted to achieve beauty, they should be patient and wait until their dough was cooked enough. One of them, called Dtundtuncan, eager to wake up, withdrew from the fire ahead of time and since its body was not yet finished, was born with a blackened plumage, the basins of its eyes empty, a single leg and with a horrible song that destroyed everything around it.

On the other hand, the other bird remained in the fire, showing the necessary patience, until its body had finished cooking. Lined with a lustrous bluish plumage, it was born with well-formed eyes, both legs and with a beautiful song that ordered everything that was in the world.

There are many things that are embellished and perfected only with patience.


We began building mom's  home the day the bombings  began. First it was the smoke.  Later it arrived the fire...
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Una interacción entre -mostrar y no mostrar

en la fotografía en color Highly carcinogenic blue asbestos waste on the Owendale Asbestos Mine tailings dump, near Postmasburg, Northern...
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Una interacción entre -mostrar y no mostrar

Rineke Dijkstra. The encounter between the photographer, the sitters and the viewer in the Beach Portrait Series.

The role of photography in the construction of identity. An encounter between observing and being observed; detailed colored large-scaled depictions...
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Rineke Dijkstra. The encounter between the photographer, the sitters and the viewer in the Beach Portrait Series.

Machine Gun Confusion

The shapes are that of two people. They do each have a soul, But it’s hard for them to remember...
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Brand New Heaven

I tried to accept everything, so that I could come to Heaven. But when I got there, Heaven was closed...
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Brand New Heaven

Maniobras: las políticas internacionales que militarizan las vidas de las mujeres

Maneuvers: The International Politics of Militarizing Women's Lives Cynthia Enloe University of California Press, 2000, 437 pages.  ISBN: 9780520220713 Traducción...
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Maniobras: las políticas internacionales que militarizan las vidas de las mujeres

I Can Only Wonder

If we are always foreigners when one  of us walks across the Pont de Sully [what is then foreigner?]  I...
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I Can Only Wonder

Before Lockdown

Cuando cruzar un puente al aire libre era parte de la normalidad (autoetnografía) "Y el tiempo dirá si al final...
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Before Lockdown

Reseña poetizada de “Le Pont du Nord”, Jacques Rivette

Una claustrofóbica en prisión y una gemela con un hermano igual,             de otro país. Una llamada por cobrar ya pagada. ...
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Reseña poetizada de “Le Pont du Nord”, Jacques Rivette


“loko yosa darumayi yatha” (all the world is like a wooden doll in the hands of a master of puppets)SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM,...
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La creación de Dtundtuncan y el Cenzontle

La diosa Ixmukané tomó dos trozos de masa y los echó al fuego, pues deseaba crear dos aves. A ambas les advirtió que, si en verdad deseaban alcanzar la belleza, debían ser pacientes y esperar hasta que su masa se cociera lo suficiente. Una de ellas, llamada Dtundtuncan, ansiosa ya por despertar, se retiró del fuego antes de tiempo; y como su cuerpo aún no estaba terminado, nació con un plumaje ennegrecido, las cuencas de sus ojos vacías, una sola pata y con un horrible canto que destruía todo lo que se hallaba a su alrededor.

La otra, en cambio, teniendo la paciencia necesaria, se mantuvo en el fuego hasta que su cuerpo terminó de cocerse. Forrada de un bruñido y azulado plumaje, nació con unos ojos bien formados, ambas patas y con un hermoso canto que ordenó todo lo que se hallaba en el mundo.

Existen muchas cosas que se embellecen y se perfeccionan sólo con la paciencia.


We began building mom's  home the day the bombings  began. First it was the smoke.  Later it arrived the fire...
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Una interacción entre -mostrar y no mostrar

en la fotografía en color Highly carcinogenic blue asbestos waste on the Owendale Asbestos Mine tailings dump, near Postmasburg, Northern...
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Una interacción entre -mostrar y no mostrar

Rineke Dijkstra. The encounter between the photographer, the sitters and the viewer in the Beach Portrait Series.

The role of photography in the construction of identity. An encounter between observing and being observed; detailed colored large-scaled depictions...
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Rineke Dijkstra. The encounter between the photographer, the sitters and the viewer in the Beach Portrait Series.

Machine Gun Confusion

The shapes are that of two people. They do each have a soul, But it’s hard for them to remember...
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Brand New Heaven

I tried to accept everything, so that I could come to Heaven. But when I got there, Heaven was closed...
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Brand New Heaven

Maniobras: las políticas internacionales que militarizan las vidas de las mujeres

Maneuvers: The International Politics of Militarizing Women's Lives Cynthia Enloe University of California Press, 2000, 437 pages.  ISBN: 9780520220713 Traducción...
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Maniobras: las políticas internacionales que militarizan las vidas de las mujeres

I Can Only Wonder

If we are always foreigners when one  of us walks across the Pont de Sully [what is then foreigner?]  I...
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I Can Only Wonder

Before Lockdown

Cuando cruzar un puente al aire libre era parte de la normalidad (autoetnografía) "Y el tiempo dirá si al final...
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Before Lockdown

Reseña poetizada de “Le Pont du Nord”, Jacques Rivette

Una claustrofóbica en prisión y una gemela con un hermano igual,             de otro país. Una llamada por cobrar ya pagada. ...
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Reseña poetizada de “Le Pont du Nord”, Jacques Rivette


“loko yosa darumayi yatha” (all the world is like a wooden doll in the hands of a master of puppets)SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM,...
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